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Thursday, 2 June 2011

Butter Vs. Margarine

There is much debate in the health industry regarding which is best for health, butter or margarine. In particular, there is much concern over the intake of trans fatty acids and the possible risk it poses to health.

Many of us are ill-informed by marketing ploys and fad diets, but we actually do need fats in our diets. However don't be fooled...this does not mean a Big Mac is okay to go chow down on. The fats in these types of foods are the ones that provide no nutritional value. The "Good Fats" are the Essential Fatty Acids - these are needed by the body but not made by it in sufficient amounts. They have anti-clotting, anti-inflammatory and immune stimulating functions.

Margarine is made using a process called 'hydrogenation' and hence contains trans fatty acids. These are said to be the bad fats we all hear about avoiding - they have the capacity to interfere with natural balances in the body & may contribute to the process of degenerative disease. They are also seen to interfere with Essential Fatty Acids & Cholesterol functions.

Butter is more natural than margarine in that it doesn't contain trans fatty acids; but many butters do contain additives. When shopping look for one that is 'pure butter'.

I have discovered many wonderful alternatives to these common spreads as we don't even think about when we slap it on our morning toast or vita-wheat snacks. My favourites include:
  • Avocado
  • Hommus
  • Tahini (Paste made from sesame seeds)
  • Nut Butters (e.g. almond paste, cashew paste)


All over the Mediterranean we drizzle olive oil on our morning toast. Delicious and healthful, and no guilt trip.

What is healthy for one person is not for another. If you are sensitive to high salicylate foods, then you would be better off with butter than olive oil. If you costantly eat foods that aren't right for you, then you will cause any health problems to worsen.

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