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Monday, 5 September 2011

Nature Cure

The following post is an extract from one of my most recent essays for my Naturopathic Philosophy assessement. The question of interest being 'is it possible to be in harmony with the nature cure influences in the 21st century?' A very interesting topic, extract as follows....
Many basic principles of Naturopathy are derived from the European practice of Nature Cure. Vincent Priessnitz founded Nature Cure at the turn of the 19th century, using the practices of plenty of exercise, fresh mountain air, water treatments in the cool, sparkling brooks, and simple, wholesome meals - consisting largely of black bread, vegetables and milk fresh from cows fed on nutritious mountain grasses. Astonishing results with his patients proved these methods were a great success. However as society has evolved over the centuries into a one of increasing pollution, an obesity epidemic, technological advancements, and higher population densities – one questions if such a harmonious method of healing and living can be achieved in the 21st century?
The arduous nature of life (regardless of what age we live in) can present us with stress in many forms. In the 21st century, however we face many different types of external and internal stressors. Environmental pollution is increasing and with all the technological advancements the pace of life is accelerating with it. With busier lives, the cost of living increasing, people working longer and harder hours – many seem to be neglecting the most important thing – health. Consequently causing imbalances between the nature cure principles and thus resulting in more and more disease.

As research stands, it is fair to say the world today is a different place compared to when Priessnitz was practising and implementing his Nature Cure principles. But an important note is that stresses have always been around – however it is the manner in which individuals deal with stress that will assist in survival and maintenance of health; and consequently being in harmony with the nature cure influences, which is the key to holistic well being. Consequently, there are certain improvements individuals living in the 21st century can make in order to be more harmonious with nature cure. These include; eating organically where possible, drinking filtered water, choosing healthy food options over junk foods, beginning a natural health treatment and finding activities, which can promote calmness and clarity. Other aspects include developing and maintaining exercise routines and healthy lifestyles, fostering healthy, caring and trustful relationships, discovering a place to live that fulfils needs for contentment, creativity and well being, creating fulfilling career paths, and learning the joys of giving and selflessness.
By incorporating the modern day improvements by emphasising the laws of nature as discussed, individuals can find the abilities to make the most of what mother earth can still offer us. Therefore, it is still possible to be in harmony with the influences of the laws of nature in the 21st century.


Wow... way to plagiarise the majority of your essay... you must be so proud to be able to copy and paste....

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