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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Superfood of the Day - Purple Corn Extract

Purple Corn Extract

Hail the Super foods - these are foods that are very high in essential nutrients that can help us reach optimum levels of health by providing us with vitamins and minerals which are missing from our diets. Grown in South America and in particular Peru for thousands of years, Purple Corn is one of nature's richest sources of at least six different anthyocyanin antioxidants - even more than blueberries!!!

Purple corn has been extensively used as a staple food and a naturally colouring dye. Recently, anthocyanns have been studied and reported to have antimutagenic, antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic properties. There are very few purple plants to be found in nature - besides the common Purple Carrots. The purple corn extract is created by juicing the purple corn then slowly, at low temperatures, evaporating off the liquid in the juice until the pure powder re-mains. Loving Earth Chocolate, which I have blogged about recently feature one of their flavours 'Activated Almond and Purple Corn Dark Chocolate' YUMO!

Purple corn tastes like the essence of corn and is a wonderful addition to smoothies, cacao/chocolate, raw-food recipes and dressings. One teaspoon per day is a good dose of purple corn extract.



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