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Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Holy Spirooli !

Over the weekend I celebrated my birthday; and every year I treat myself to a gift I have been holding out for. This year I decided to buy myself a 'Spriooli' yes you heard correctly, a Spi-roo-li. Sounds like some crazy kitchen contraption, and indeed it is. If you have ever wondered how chefs get those cool curly carrots, perfectly sliced cucumber stacks and my favourite, zucchini pasta - drum roll please...from a SPIROOLI - ta da!

Last night I decided to take this bad boy for a test run - and yes all expectations were met. I made a green Zucchini 'Pasta' with garlic & sunflower seed salmon.

As you can see pictured the crazy swirly green stuff looks like pasta, but its actually zucchini that has been spirooled (not sure this is a word?). I spirooled a whole zucchini, half a carrot, steamed up some cabbage and pumpkin and threw in some cherry tomatoes. Seasoned it with some ground pepper & a dash of olive oil. I also added a salmon steak which was lightly grilled with some garlic & sunflower seeds on top.

Spirooli's can be bought from various health food stores and online raw food websites. I bought mine from Raw Power online ( It cost $35; and took 3 days to get to me.

Happy spirooling spunks!!


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