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Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The social butterflies guide to health

One of the biggest challenges so many of us social butterflies face is maintaining our healthy lifestyles with all the temptations of socialising - which in our society often invovles dining out and social drinking. I often hear so many women say "to be healthy I pretty much have to become a recluse" - this is not the case. We actually can still have our cake and eat it too. In other words we can actually have a life and still maintain good health and keep our bikini bods! Below are a few tips on how to do so...
  • Smaller portions: no matter where you are eating, get in the habit of eating smaller portions, and chewing slower. Perhaps share a main meal and entree to share between another friend. Or order a couple of light entrees instead of a main meal.
  • Be in control: skip parts of the meals that you don't particularly like. Have the approach that 'I can have that food any time'. And listen to your body, take breaks between meals, when you are full stop eating - don't think you are going to offend the chef if you don't eat the entire meal. We aren't little kids anymore being bribed by mum that we won't get ice cream if we don't finish our dinner.
  • Better options: when deciding upon a restaurant check out the online menu's and try and select places that have healthier options. If all else fails - order a salad, most places these days have salad and vegetarian options.
  • Don't skip: so many people I know eat less during the day if they have a big dinner outing planned. Try avoid this as you are setting yourself up for over-consumption at dinner time, as by the time your main meal comes out you will be so hungry you will feel like biting the waiters arm off!
  • Avoid buffets: buffets are often amazing value for money, but we often over consume in these situations. Not sure what it is about a buffet, but we all go into food frenzies and approach them as we have never seen food in our life before.
  • On the side: order dressings on the side, as these are hidden calories, and restaurants often douse their salads in dressings.
  • Skip the bread basket: as tempting as it is, try avoid the bread as entree. Thankfully in Australia they don't bring out the bread basket complementary like they do in Europe, so you aren't tempted by filling up on bread.
  • Be prepared: If you know you are going to be out all day somewhere, perhaps be prepared with some healthy snacks - maybe some chopped up carrots, or some mixed nuts, or a few pieces of fruit. So to avoid over eating when you finally get to eat your main meal.
  • Party Tip: if you are going to a party or hitting the bars, have a good size dinner before you go. This will not only help you from getting sick from drinking on an empty stomach, but also assist in chowing down the finger foods, and also that late night kebab!
  • Moderation: I go by the principle of everything in moderation, so you can still induldge in your favourite foods even if they are a bit naughty, but just don't eat this stuff every night of the week. The best policy is the 80/20 rule, 80% of the time be good, and 20% of the time be not so good, so that is approximately 4-5 meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner) of the seven day week to eat out. But if you go by the healthy eating out tips, you will be okay.
Hopefully this helps all you social butterflies. You CAN still have a life and look and feel fabulous!



Hey guys! Great advice and all very important keys to weight-control! The three that I've focused on, and they have been major factors in my 43kg weight loss, are "better options", "be prepared" and the "party tip"... All three come down to looking ahead and being in control of what you eat. There's no need to go hungry and there's no need to be stuck in a situation where all you've got is unhealthy crap to gorge on. The key is to anticipate problem areas and handle it before u get there!
Great blog! :-)

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