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Friday, 5 August 2011

Juicy Goodness

Drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juice is so beneficial to health and  is more than a delicious way to start the day. It can increase your energy, give you a glowing complexion, strengthen your immune system and reduce your risk of disease, just to name a few.

Fresh juices supply your body with significant amounts of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Enzymes support thousands of chemical reactions that occur throughout our bodies. Because they are temperature sensitive, they begin to die at around 48 degrees Celsius, which means all cooked and processed foods are devoid of enzymes. So many think they are getting their 4-5 serves of vegetables a day from a side plate of cooked veggies, but you are actually not getting all the intended benefits. This is where juicing comes into play - juicing allows us to absorb all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes in vegetables that are often loss through preferred cooking methods.

Another positive of juicing is that it removes all the indigestible fibre from fruits and vegetables, and releases many of the nutrients that are trapped in the fibre. Fibre is still important though, so it is still important to keep up the raw fruits and vegetables to keep you regular!

Below are a quick list of juices that are beneficial to health:
  • Apple = Liver Cleanser
  • Beetroot = Blood cleanser and strengthens liver
  • Broccoli = Potent anti-oxidant and reported anti-cancer properties
  • Cabbage = Rich in selenium and useful for healthy joints & digestive complaints
  • Carrot = Rich in beta carotene and good source for acne & other skin problems. Excellent remedy for heartburn
  • Celery = Aids digestion, relieves excess fluid build-up & a good nerve tonic
  • Cucumber = Good for the skin and kidneys
  • Kale = Rich in bio-available calcium so good fr the bones
  • Spinach = Blood cleanser
Tip - Always consume juices on an empty stomach, so first thing in the morning to cleanse the system and provide immediate energy.

Happy Juicing :)


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