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Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The social butterflies guide to health

One of the biggest challenges so many of us social butterflies face is maintaining our healthy lifestyles with all the temptations of socialising - which in our society often invovles dining out and social drinking. I often hear so many women say "to be healthy I pretty much have to become a recluse" - this is not the case. We actually can still...

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Raw Organic Cocao Brownies

I figured I need to throw in a bit of light heartedness following my last two posts - which are quite heavy and serious in tone. What better way to break up the week and blog with some Chocolate! My good friend celebrated her birthday over the weekend, and adores chocolate brownies, alas I thought I would take this opportunity to whip her up...

Monday, 5 September 2011

Nature Cure

The following post is an extract from one of my most recent essays for my Naturopathic Philosophy assessement. The question of interest being 'is it possible to be in harmony with the nature cure influences in the 21st century?' A very interesting topic, extract as follows....Many basic principles of Naturopathy are derived from the European...

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